I happen to know the One who hung the moon.

It never ceases to amaze me that the God who created the universe would want to have a personal, intimate relationship with me. God's love is not divided and diminished among the mass of humanity to the point where each of us receives only a distant, microscopic portion of Himself. His love is complete in each of us. You and I have God's undivided attention at any moment of the day. That truth doesn't sink in without totally overwhelming me.
God reaches out to each of us in countless ways to show his love towards us, but how often do we hear folks give luck, fate, chance, or coincidence the credit? God has chosen clay pots to house this treasure of love, but He never meant for them to be self-contained. He intends for his love in us to spill over onto others.
For too long I felt like I had to earn God's love somehow, not realizing there was nothing I could do to make God love me any more or any less than He already did.
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